Children and Worship

Worship is a core value and at the heart of our faith and Christian life, and children are welcomed and encouraged to be in worship services at St. John’s! Children can sing, pray, and give with the rest of the congregation!

Features to make children feel more comfortable

  • Children’s sermons are a part of all Sunday worship services.

  • Worship bags with quiet toys are available during each worship service. If you need help locating the worship bags, please see an usher.

  • Comfortable Worship Center with cushioned pews.

  • JoyZone meets during the school year at 10:30 AM worship following the Children’s Sermon. Children wishing to attend JoyZone will go together with Family Ministries staff and volunteers to the Children’s Wing for a lesson on the scripture of the day. Children can be picked up at 11:30 AM from the Children’s Wing.

  • During the summer, children are invited to the Children’s Wing with staff and volunteers for an activity, craft, and/or game following the Children’s Sermon. Children will be returned to the Worship Center after the adult sermon.

  • Worship services can be seen and heard from the Gathering Area for parents of extra wiggly children. A Children’s Corner is available in the Gathering Area with books, comfortable seating, and quiet toys.

  • The Nursery is staffed during the 10:30 AM worship service on Sundays.